Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Year.

It's been a year since I moved to PA, a year since I started working for Uncle Bill, a year since I entered the real world.

And what a year it's been.

Now, I obviously have a problem with consistently updating anything (ie: this blog,
my work blog, my myspace, etc.), but I'm not going to make any heartfelt pledges to change. That being said, I was going to condense a year of my life into this post. But what can I write about a year that has been slow and fast, hard and easy, horrible and wonderful? I've felt the pain of loneliness, the joy of true friendships, the confusion and frustration of a crazy job, the satisfaction of a job well done, the cold of winter, guy drama, girl drama, the freedom of financial independence, the homesickness for Guam, and so much more, but most of all: the true grace and providence of God. He's put me in this place, with these people, to have these experiences. All of which have changed me, grown me, brought me closer to Him and increased my dependence on Christ, His word and His community.

I'm curious, excited, scared about what this next year will bring. But at least I know who's bringing it.

Side note: 28 days til Guam!


Anonymous said...

Wahooo! Congrats!


George said...

Wow that is good stuff! It is amazing the peace He gives. Even in the hard times God is there and working and loves us more than we could ever imagine. That still blows my mind. Thanks for you post that was encouraging.

George said...

By the way I mean to say "Thanks for your post that was encouraging." not "Thanks for you post that was encouraging." My bad.