Tuesday, October 25, 2005

"Cruisin'" Huey Lewis & Gwyneth Paltrow version

Wow, why haven't I had any good music stuck in my head recently (besides CS&N - see earlier post)? These won't make my loyal (incredibly small) fanbase think, "Lindsay's got really good taste in music." In fact, now you're all thinking, "Not only is she boring, she knows crap songs." Admit it, that's what you're thinking. I take no offense.

Well, Chris and Lahra are here, I spent some time with them this weekend. On Friday night we (including Sally) went to Universal Citywalk - Howl at the Moon and Saddle Ranch. Slutty girls galore, no joke. However, in the hundreds of people there: not one attractive guy (no offense, cousin Chris, but relations don't count). I kid you not - unless you're into that greasy hair, open shirt with gold chain, sleazy type. Which I'm not. Ugh, just recalling it grosses me out.

On Saturday we drove around Hollywood (Mann's Chinese Theater, "Ooooh...", Hollywood sign, "Ahhhh..."). Never got out of the car, though. We're lazy tourists.

Monday was my last day of interviews, well not LAST, but I get a break. But I thought I'd give you an update:

Microsoft - had phone interview, expecting to hear back this week.
Ernst & Young - second round interview in New York in early November.
Disney Consumer Products - turned it down, because it started in January, and the position wasn't all I thought it would be...though maybe I'll readdress the idea sometime next year.
Avanade - had initial phone interview, have second on-campus interview scheduled for 11/10 (provided I'm not in NY for Ernst & Young).
Hitachi Consulting - Interviewed yesterday, really went well, should hear by end of week if I made it to Round #2 held here in LA. Update: Made it to Round #2 on December 2nd.
Cisco Systems - Made it to round #2, so they'll fly me to either San Jose, North Carolina, Massachusetts or Texas sometime in November.
SanDisk - A company not previously mentioned, kinda happened quickly. Interviewed yesterday, went really well - see story below.

So that's my progress.

Interesting SanDisk story: My interviewer (an older Indian gentleman named Arun) called me LindsAy instead of LindsEy, so I told him the story behind my name's pronunciation (See my old Xanga for story). He in turn, told me a tale of his own. In India as a child, he slept in this roll up kind of mattress bed which had lots of pockets and such for storage. When he was done, you would just roll it up like a sleeping bag. Anyway, his really old grandmother would call it the Holdo, so he grew up calling it a Holdo. Last month he was speaking to some Indian friends and mentioned the Holdo, but the didn't know what he was talking about - so he described it. Turns out it's called a Hold All, and due to his old grandmother's accent, he'd been mispronouncing it for most of his life. Funny story, at least I thought. Got the interview off to a good start, at least.

Well, thanks for reading this - I expect you to comment!


Seth and Amanda said...

Nice blog. Did you decide to use it after you saw ours. See I am posting on your blog now do the same on mine. Good luck with the job hunting.

monica said...

I like the new template.

Lindsay said...

thanks! pink is out, blue is in. I tried my best to stay away from blue - because it's typical of me. But it was either that or Trojan colors. ha.

Anonymous said...

Well young lady im impressed by the professionalism shown in this blog(although technically i dont even know what a 'BLOG' is?) but anyway proably just some net lingo...