Friday, October 28, 2005

No song, woke up swearing.

So, for some odd reason my alarm didn't go off this morning. I checked it, it was set correctly, but didn't go off. Hmm. Therefore, I missed my interview call, but he called back, I answered, spoke for a minute. Then my phone suddenly shut off. Now it won't turn on, and when you call it you hear it's not in service. I just got this replacement phone yesterday, because my other phone's buttons wouldn't work. So, not only did I lose all my phone numbers, it cost me an interview. I called Cingular, they said my account looks fine and to call the Warranty department. I called the Warranty department, where I got a message apologizing that they couldn't take my call. I'm so mad at them.

I worked at Cruiser last night til 3 am, and if you didn't know already, Thursday is college party night. So you end up picking up a lot of drunk people. Especially drunk freshmen sorority girls. I loathe drunk freshmen sorority girls. In addition, they were all dressed in SKANKY costumes for halloween. I saw at least 4 nurses, 2 maids, and countless referees. I don't understand how they can degrade themselves so much and then wonder why they get sexually harrassed or their frat boy boyfriends treat them like dirt. Stupid.

There was a lot of police activity last night. On one occasion, I was driving down a street to pick up some kids, and a cop pulled up behind me, then another pulled up in front of me, then 3 more cop cars pulled up, I was boxed. They all got out of their cars, and walked towards me. I thought I had killed someone with my car without knowing it. I rolled down my window and said, "Officer, sir, uh, are you here for me?" He just looked at me and said, "No." Except it sounded like, "You're a moron." Thanks, Officer. Anyway, they milled around for a moment, then got in their cars and left. I continued to drive.

Ok, time for birthday cake for my boss!


Anonymous said...

Technology is a double edged sword. It's awesome as long as it works. If it doesn't well...stuff goes down and then you're "kindly" reminded that it's only as good as the person who made it. And there's always the schmuck in the corner who tells you that technology is only as good as the person who's operating it. People like that best have eyes in the back of their head if they want to live long enough to become members of AARP.

Lindsay said...

haha, well said

Anonymous said...

Ok, first I have to say that I almost fell out of my chair laughing at John's comment.

Second, I love the title of your blog!!

I'm too tired to think of anything clever, but I will comment later I promise!

P.S. This is some high-tech blog... I have to enter a word for verification just to comment.

Anonymous said...

You got an interview with Google? So, you OWE me, sister!

Lindsay said...

Actually, sister dear, the interview stemmed from the job I directly applied for. But thanks, anyway. :)