Monday, October 17, 2005

Witty Titles

Ok, so it's post #4, and I've already run out of attention-grabbing titles, so from now on, the titles are going to be whatever song is stuck in my head. For those who don't know, every morning I wake up with a song in my head. They are very random songs, covering all parts of the spectrum from nursery rhymes to classic rock songs to television jingles. So, stay tuned from now on. I didn't title this post with a song because it's 2pm, and I already forgot what song was playing in my head when I woke up. I'll make a point to remember next time.

Thanks for your comments, Dad, Anne, Jon and Monica! I feel special! Don't worry, Dad, I'll try to stress less about finding a job. If you know of any good job-finding websites in England, let me know!

Right now I'm sitting in one of USC's computer labs, about to start writing a lab report on "the overfishing of the world's waters." Oh well, better get to it.

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