Monday, December 26, 2005

Lachie's Words of Wisdom

So I think that I'll start posting the cute, funny and profound statements that come out of my 4 year old brother's mouth. This morning we were drawing and this conversation followed:

Sister Lindsay: Do you write with your left hand or right hand?
Lachlan: Sometimes this one, and then this one.
Sister Lindsay: Oh, so you're ambidextrous?
Lachlan: No, I'm kind of a hero. An ambidextrous hero.
How cute is that?


Anonymous said...

Ah to be 4 again lol...

My coworker's 4-yr-old asked him, "Where do people come from?" So my coworker proceeded to give him the abridged versions of the creation story and evolution story. The little boy said, "I just wanted to know how you got into the room."


Anonymous said...

That was too short. Need bigger blogs, honey. I love your writing.
Hey, Lindsay, ask Allison why her builder friend Katie can't answer emails. It ain't that hard to say, "Oh, hi, Susan. Can't get to the questions right now, but maybe in two or three months I could answer you." Great start for a contractor. NOT!!!