Monday, December 05, 2005

"Sunshine" by Evan Farmer

Holy cow, Microsoft is awesome.

I'm in Dallas, TX. Today was my last interview, phew! And it was the best ever. I had a lot of fun. I was nervous, of course: Microsoft is intimidating! But the people were extremely friendly, passionate about their jobs and INCREDIBLY smart. A lot of times I felt like they were reading my mind; they answered my questions before I could ask them. Especially my interview with the "big boss," our views really aligned. He told me in his 15 years at Microsoft, ours was the most bizarre interview he's ever had (in a good way). Bizarre because he felt like I was making him tell me things he wouldn't normally. Basically, he was trying to be difficult and intimidating, and just couldn't with me. I don't think I'm adequately explaining it, but it went well, and I feel good.


1 comment:

Bethany Hudson said...

Yay comments!

Lindsay, unless you go to Seattle like I have commanded, this is going to be one of our few means of communicating and updating eachother about our lives!

So glad you had a wonderful interview, and I hope that it results in a great career for you if you get and accept an offer!